Sugar free breakfast topping

For me an ideal breakfast meal has to be either really quickly made in the morning or can be made in advance. And of course it has to be sugar free 🙂 Almost every morning I am having a quick workout before work, therefore quick breakfast is essential. To start the day with a lot of energy I need my morning workout as much as a nutritious breakfast.

Nothing can beat yoghurt with delicious topping on early morning. As I love to have many different super seeds and other delicious ingredients in my yoghurt I decided to mix all my favourite ingredients into one beautiful yoghurt topping. To avoid mixing it up every single morning again and again.

Here is how I do my topping:

Breakfast topping
Author: Kristina
  • 100g almonds chopped (I used
  • 40g chia seeds
  • 40g ground line seeds
  • 40g hemp seeds
  • 40 g cacao nibs
  • 15g maca powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C and roast almonds together with hemp seeds until it has a nice brown color.
  2. Let it completely cool down and mix with other ingredient.
  3. Mix thoroughly and enjoy with some yoghurt!

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