As you might already know, I was following the 8 week ‘I quit sugar program’. Maybe you would think I am crazy and would ask yourself how the hell can you quit sugar. But as crazy as I am, I thought I would give it a try. Before I started this program, I was sure I am not sugar addicted, because I was eating products with sugar pretty seldom. However I had to learn that sugar is almost everywhere and I was consuming a lot more of it than I thought. For my breakfast I always used dates, maple syrup or many fruits, as I loved to have that sweetness in the morning. And I have to admit, nonetheless I thought I am living sugar free 🙂

In my case, the ‘I quit sugar’ journey could be divided into three phases.

  1. Happy about being sugar free: this phase took about few weeks. I saw sugar everywhere, but I was so excited about the sugar free journey that I didn’t want anything sweet at all. The excitement about all new recipes was way more bigger than the sweetness cravings. The different I quit sugar tips and recipes helped to deceive the sweet tooth and to add the sweetness into meals by using spices or various vegetables. In these first weeks I also got used to eating only three meals and avoiding snacking.
  2. Doubts about being able to stay sugar free forever: this period was the toughest for me. We got many advices how to avoid cravings and what to snack. But my concerns were more about the future. I started to question the effectiveness of this program. In my mind I was only thinking about all that sweet stuff I used to love and that if I quit sugar I won’t be able to eat it anymore, never ever. I had fears about binging on sweets after the end of the program. Nonetheless I promised to myself not to give up and keep going.
  3. Balance is everything: in the last weeks of this program, I have learned that I don’t  have to waive all my favourite meals even if I want to keep going with sugar free lifestyle. It is all about the balance, if you really want something, then eat it and enjoy it.

After the program I had indulged on sweet stuff a little bit as I somehow thought I really need it. But at the same time I realised that it didn’t taste as good as I had in my mind. And also I had to admit to myself that my body didn’t feel too good about it. What I am mostly proud of, is that I was eating the sweets not because my body was screaming for sugar, but because I wanted that ice cream or a piece of cake. After that one piece my sweet tooth was more than satisfied, it didn’t demand for more.

All in all I am very happy about this sugar free experience. Every single week I was waiting for the new meal plan like a little child. Thursday was my favourite day, because it was the day of new meal plan release. I loved to start planning the meals for the next week. I learned so many new recipes and ways of cooking. Not to forget the tips how not to waste the food. You might know that I am passionate about using leftovers in my kitchen. I quit sugar taught me even more ways how to use leftovers and how to store the food, to minimise the food waste.

I definitely recommend everyone to try the ‘I quit sugar program’, it will open your eyes and change your mind about the food!

Here are some meal pictures I made during this 8 week program.

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As you might already know, I am a little bit addicted to Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide for some time. I love her workouts and since few week I am also in love with the app, which organises all workouts for you. It also includes a meal guide and so I decided to try out the Sweat With Kayla Meal Plan. In the App you have a possibility to choose your eating habits, it gives choices such as Vegan, Vegetarian, Ovo-Vegetarian and some more.

Not that long time ago I decided to avoid meat as often as possible and it was not really a challenge just to leave out the meat. The real challenge was to substitute the meat in a right wait, it is easily possible, that you will lack valuable nutrients at the end. Therefore I was very exited to try out this meal plan and at the same time to learn how I should eat, to get all the needed nutrients.

I must say the meal plan included everything; the healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fruit sugar. You do not have to restrict on anything, the key is the balanced eating. There was no single day or minute where I felt hungry or was craving for something, my tummy was constantly satisfied. Sometimes I felt a little bit too stuffed, but I quickly noticed that it was when I ate foods with gluten. I mostly eat gluten free products, so I guess it was just too much of gluten. After choosing gluten free alternatives for next meals, I was fine with the suggested menu.

I will definitely keep using the meal plan Sweat With Kayla app is providing. It is a great way of substituting meat and perfect if you want to learn how to eat balanced.

Here you can see one day meals, from Sweat With Kayla App, in pictures. For Breakfast I ate rye bread with avocado and tomatoes as well as spinach omelette. As a snack I had rye crisp bread with cottage cheese and Kiwi; and after lunch some yoghurt with granola and fruits. For lunch I enjoyed a beautiful bean pasta salad and for dinner a deliciouse Moroccan Pumpkin soup. All recipes were really yummy, I was surprised how easy and quick it was to prepare all the planned meals. Many of meals, or at least a part of it, you can prepare in advances, hence no chance for excuses.

If you are struggling about a balanced eating, this app is really worth a try.

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First things first! I start every morning with oil pulling and a glass of warm lemon water.

Some time ago I stumbled over oil pulling. At the beginning I was not very enthusiastic about having oil in my mouth for 20 minutes. Nonetheless after I read about all the benefits of oil pulling, I decided to give it a try. And it was not as bad as I have imagined.

My main aim was a stronger immune system. Due to swishing coconut oil in your mouth, for about 20 minutes, you are pulling out all the bacteria out of the gums. Which leads, according to different sources,  to improved acne, reduced inflammation, stronger gums and jaws, or even whiter teeth. My dentist indeed claimed to see differences after I started with oil pulling and also my immune system has been enhanced.

If I have convinced you to start with oil pulling, this is what you should do. Straight after getting up, before you drunk or ate something, take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for about 20 minutes (DO NOT swallow). I am doing this procedure while in the shower, planning is the key. 🙂 After 20 minutes just split the coconut oil out into the trash and wash your mouth with warm water.

After finishing my oil pulling procedure, right before having breakfast, I drink a glass of warm lemon water. Just squeeze the juice of half lemon and pour over hot water. I started to drink warm lemon water to increase my metabolism.

To my mind and my experience, this routine really improves my well-being. So why not to give it a try?

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